Women less likely to get promoted after having children
Women are less likely than men to be offered a workplace promotion after having children, says a report recently published by the universities of Bristol and Essex for the Government of Equalities Office, UK. The study highlights that only 28 percent of women were in full-time or self-employed work three years after childbirth, compared to 90 percent of new male parents. Moreover, the study found that the women who returned to work after becoming a parent were two thirds less likely to be promoted in five years after childbirth compared to 26 percent of new dads. The researchers surveyed 3,500 new parents (2,281 mothers and 1,687 male parents) for around five years after the birth of their baby to study the effects of childbirth on employment and careers. “This loss in work experience, and in particular fulltime work experience, is an important part of the explanation for the gender pay gap and suggests women still suffer economically as a result of taking on childcare responsibilities,” says Professor Susan Harkness of the University of Bristol. Recommended: Working mom: Striking the right balance Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp