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DPS Vadodara: Picking up pace in the post-pandemic era

EducationWorld August 2022 | Spotlight Feature

One of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic was the  disruption of regular in-person classes due to which the teachers could not offer personal attention and guidance to the students. To compensate for this and to bridge the learning gaps, relentless efforts were put in  by the teachers of Delhi Public School Vadodara by donning the role of mentors. From putting in continuous efforts in providing online learning resources, conducting tests from time to time through online mode, to conducting practicals online, DPS Vadodara has left no stone unturned in  preparing the students for the board exams.  Online learning resources desined in line with board exam pattern were provided, tests were conducted at regular intervals, virtual classes were conducted for solving children’s doubts, and counselling on time management was offered. Most of all, a patient ear with an empathetic heart to understand the emotional upheaval of the pandemic induced loss helped the students cope with the situation. Unsurprisingly, our students achieved excellent results in the board exams. 

The 217 students who wrote the class XII board exam averaged 82.51 percent (Science – 83.60 percent, Commerce – 80.80 percent, Humanities – 82.60 percent). 61 students averaged 90 percent and above. 

Of the 265 students who wrote the class X CBSE board exam, 29 students averaged 95 percent and above while 91 students averaged 90 percent and above. 

Co-curricular education

As soon as schools reopened after two disruptive years, DPS Vadodara bounced back to its activity schedule and the students more than welcomed it. The budding sports aces of DPS Vadodara bagged several laurels in sports events since the resumption of in-person classes.                 

DPS Vadodara

In Subroto Mukherji Cup District Level Inter School Football Tournament, Delhi Public School Vadodara emerged as Baroda District Champions in U 17 Boys Football.  The team will represent Vadodara district at State Level Tournament. 

DPS Vadodara

The Girls Football Team of Delhi Public School Vadodara were Runners Up in the Inter School Football for the Under 14 Girls at “Ashoka Raje Gaekwad”.

Pre Republic Day

It was a moment of pride and honour for the NCC cadets of Delhi Public School Vadodara when 5 of the 29 cadets were selected for the Pre-RDC Camp which was held from July 25 to August 3.

The cadets won accolades in various categories and were nominated ‘Best Cadet’. 

Pre-RDC Best Cadets

  1. JD- Aditya Bhagat
  2. JD- Jaisal Shah
  3. JW- Jiya Trivedi

Cadets for Pre-RDC Cultural Program

JW – Yakshi Kulharia

JW- Veera Thipse 

Moreover, the 29 NCC cadets of DPS Vadodara participated in the Annual Combine Training Camp from June 20 to 29, 2022 under the guidance of Sanjat Thatoi at Rajpipla and bagged Gold in various categories.  


Laurels won at Khelmahakumbh Championship 2022

Sl No
Game/Sport Student Name
Group Result
1 23.03.22 CHESS Neil Under – 11 2nd Place
2 25.03.22 KARATE Anannt Sharma Under – 17 Silver Medal
3 25.03.22 ATHLETICS Ritesh Saini   2nd Place
4 28.03.22 FOOTBALL   Under – 14 Boys 3rd Place
5 11.04.22 ATHLETICS Siddhant Chiplunkar Under – 11 Boys Selected for DLSS
6 23.03.22 CHESS Janya M Shah Under – 11 Girls Selected for District Level
7 29.05.22 TABLE TENNIS Dhruvil  Under 14 boys Bronze  medal in table tennis  team representing  vadodara  in state khel Maha kumbh
8 29.05.22 SKATING Deevyata Pandya  Under 14 Girls Won 2 gold one bronze  in state khel maha kumbh
9 13.06.22 SKATING Divyeeyta Pandya Under – 14 Girls Won three Gold medals and overall championships


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