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Online Parenting Summit, parent success story: Preeti Kaunder

June 30, 2021

Online parenting Summit (OPS) 2021 elaborates on various methods of parenting, a celebration of parenthood. The summit helps to reboot parenting and develop a friendly relationship between parents and their children. The concept of OPS is to create an impact on parents and their parenting styles. OPS aims to touch the universe and beyond, impact every generation that may come further. Until now, people practiced parenting in their own traditional ways but OPS tries to bring in modern ways in which one can make parenting experience much more fun yet unique.

Here is the story of Preeti, mother of Shamik and Tavish, who talks about her journey as a parent.


My name is Preeti and I am a mother to Shamik, a ten-year-old boy and eight-year-old Tavish. It gives me immense pleasure to share my parenting journey with all the parents around. We live in a joint family and I professionally run a pre-school. Like all others, my parenting experience too has been like a roller coaster ride. Since I reside in a joint family, I do not need to worry regarding various concerns that a parent from a nuclear family would have. My kids do not feel alone anytime, and they do not need me every time. They have their grandparents, who spend quality time with them.

During the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns, unlike other children, my son did not suffer from anxiety or trauma since we stay together. Everything went smoothly because we stay in a joint family where everyone looks after the other. The only drawback I faced is the parenting style because there are so many generations living in the same house and everyone has a unique way of parenting. I am interested in attending the online parenting summit, which might help me resolve this and help me to find better ways by which I can evolve my kids.

My parenting journey has seen various ups and downs, but it is one of the most joyous one I have ever had. It has taught me to be more patient, innovative and to live every moment with my kid. There was a time when I was quarantined and was away from my children. I felt blessed and cherished as all they had to say was “Mamma come home soon, we only want you.”

I remember when my father expired. I told my kids that I won’t come home for another 15 days. They missed me and felt uncomfortable without me but also understood my situation and adjusted themselves accordingly. They motivated me and promised to manage things on their own.

I guess my parenting style proved it all. I never forced my kid to be competitive. Generally, parents have this sense of competition in mind which creates unnecessary stress on children. I did not want my kids to grow up under that stress at such an early age. I have learned that life is unpredictable, and money and medals don’t matter. What matters is the love, togetherness and the bond that is created amongst the family. I want to teach my kids to be more compassionate, loving and help them become a humble human being.

I am quite interested in attending the online parenting Summit 2021. There is no harm in getting to know more parenting methods and ideologies of experts. Sometimes I make mistakes and if I get a way to rectify them it would be great. This summit would help me get more clarity on my parenting journey, know the right and wrong for my kid and cherish the beautiful relationship for a lifetime and beyond.

If you are too interested in being a part of the summit, register yourself here:

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the article are personal, and not necessarily reflect the views, thoughts, and opinions of EducationWorld.

Also Read: Online Parenting Summit, parent success story: Shailaja Mohan

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