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national awards to teachers

Private school teachers also eligible for National Teachers Awards now

June 28, 2023

For the first time, regular teachers serving in private schools across the country will be eligible to apply for the National awards to teachers awarded by the ministry of education.

In a letter dated June 23, joint secretary, Prachi Pandey said that those who have completed 10 years of service as regular teachers would be eligible. “The condition of eligibility of teachers for consideration of awards as 10 years regular service, inclusion of teachers of private schools affiliated to state boards, revised evaluation matrix…”

The portal for teachers to apply for nominations has been open since June 23 and will remain open upto July 15.

Committees would be constituted at the state level to assess the applications and shortlist it. Between July 26 and August 3, the State Selection Committee or Organization Selection Committee must shortlist the names to be forwarded to the Independent National Jury.

The national jury will then finalise the list of candidates by August 14 for the event to be held on September 5.

“Teachers will be awarded marks on criteria based on performance e.g. initiatives to improve learning outcomes, innovative experiments undertaken, organization of extra and co-curricular activities, use of Teaching Learning Material, social mobility, ensuring experiential learning, unique ways to ensure physical education to students etc,” according to the guidelines released by the ministry of education.

Rajendra Singh of the National Independent Schools Alliance said, “We have pushed for this for many years. Private and public-school teachers must be assessed alike. This will improve private-public partnership. There will be a fair exchange of ideas. Best practices followed by teachers can be shared with one another,” he said.

Also Read: Karnataka: Internal committee formed to address sexual harassment at school education department

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