Accolades are raining on Arkya Chatterjee (18), a student of south Kolkata’s Vivekananda School, who almost maxed CISCE’s class XII Indian School Certificate board examination (results were declared in May) with a record average of 99.75 percent.
Nor is this astonishing average the sum of his achievements. In July, Arkya was awarded rank 288 in the […]
A seemingly innocuous Indian Institutes of Management Bill 2015, which severely dilutes the autonomy of the IIMs, has ignited fears that an unfinished BJP/NDA agenda of 2004 to acquire control and command over India’s premier B-schools, has been revived – Dilip Thakore
Beneath a deceptive everyday calm façade, there’s turmoil within the highly-reputed Indian Institutes of Management […]
Against the backdrop of the invitation of the Union HRD ministry for public involvement with drafting NEP 2015 possibly being an elaborate cosmetic exercise, EducationWorld presents its recommendations on the 13 ‘themes’ of school education shortlisted for public debate – Summiya Yasmeen
Six months ago on India’s 66th Republic Day (January 26), the BJP-led NDA government invited online […]
– Professor J.S. Rajput is a well-known educationist and former director of NCERT and NCTE
For the country’s estimated 15 million class X and 7.7 million higher secondary school-leavers, admission cut-offs into India’s 35,000 undergrad colleges — and especially into the few dozen top-ranked institutions of higher education — range between 95-100 percent, a dismaying reality.
s. 2. Whereas the objects of the Institutes mentioned in the Schedule are such as to make them institutions of national importance, it is hereby declared that each such institute is an institution of national importance.
s.7. Subject to the provisions of this Act, every Institute shall exercise the following powers and perform the following functions, […]
The pivotal persona who plays a vital role in shaping the character and brand of a B-school is the Dean of the institute, designated Director in India’s Central government-promoted 13 Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). The essential qualifications of Dean/Director in all B-schools worldwide are excellent higher education, experience as faculty with administrative responsibilities in nationally […]
In the EW India School Rankings 2014, this school is ranked #6 in Pune and among the Top 50 co-ed day schools in Maharashtra – SHWETA NAIR
Spread over two acres in Pune’s (pop. 3.9 million) budding industrial and IT hub, Hadapsar, VIBGYOR High, NIBM Road (estb. 2006) is a co-ed day school affiliated with the Delhi-based […]
Ranked #1 for undergraduate teaching for five consecutive years by US News & World Report, Dartmouth College, USA offers a unique academic calendar of four ten-week terms per year – Summiya yasmeen
A member of the prestigious group of eight Ivy League American universities including Harvard and Yale, Dartmouth College (DC, estb.1769), USA is […]
There’s a traditional, deplorable control-and-command culture within post-independence India’s higher bureaucracy, particularly the estimated 6,375-strong twice-born IAS (Indian Administrative Service) fraternity which essentially runs the Central and state governments.
Apart from transforming high-potential India into a time-agnostic and hostile-to-business, subsidies-addicted and perhaps irremediably corrupt economy, the control-and-command culture of bureaucrats at the Centre and in the […]
The vyapam scandal involving politicians, senior officials and businessmen of Madhya Pradesh (MP, pop.77 million) and covering admission of students into institutions of professional education and of graduates into the civil service, the teaching profession and police, has received widespread coverage in the media. But there’s insufficient awareness of the damage it has caused to […]
The cover story ‘Edupreneurs empowering small town India’ (EW July) is an encouraging account of how entrepreneurs in small towns starved of quality education, are coming forward to provide quality academic options to parents.
It’s commendable that despite official discouragement and harassment, progressive educationists are stepping up to promote nationally benchmarked private schools at affordable prices […]
On the first ever world youth Skills day (July 15), the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government launched the Skill India initiative, the third such ambitious programme after Make in India and Digital India in recent months. A National Skill Development Mission and a new National Policy for Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (NPSDE) 2015 are […]
Like the BJP/NDA government at the Centre, nine months into its first term the BJP-Shiv Sena government in Maharashtra, led by the previously unknown Devendra Fadnavis, is mired in corruption scandals. The Maharashtra legislative council has asked women and child welfare minister Pankaja Munde to provide a written explanation for orally ordering supplies (books, food) […]
Quite obviously, primary teaching jobs are highly prized in the eastern seaboard state of West Bengal (pop. 91 million). In the West Bengal primary TET (teacher eligibility test) 2015 scheduled to be conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE) within the framework of the NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education) on August […]
In the popular narrative of spokespersons and acolytes of the BJP/NDA government which was swept to power in Delhi in General Election 2014 — with the BJP emerging as the first political party since 1985 to win an absolute majority in the Lok Sabha — the western seaboard state of Gujarat (pop.65 million), ruled by […]
It was too good to last. The sole preserve in the education continuum — early childhood care and education (ECCE) — which had escaped the heavy regulatory hand of government for over six decades, has lost its independence.
On June 12, the Jayalalithaa-led AIADMK government of Tamil Nadu (pop.72 million) promulgated post-independence India’s first draft code […]
Karnataka’s 10.2 million students enroled in 76,000 state board-affiliated government, private aided and unaided primary-secondary schools who began the new academic year 2015-16 in June, are obliged to make do with previous years’ error-ridden textbooks. Several textbook committees constituted by the Congress state government after it assumed office in May 2013 following the rout of […]
A seven-day protest fast by magsaysay award winner (2002) Sandeep Pandey against Lucknow’s top-ranked City Montessori School (CMS) over its refusal to admit children from economically weaker sections (EWS) under s.12 (1) (c) of the controversial Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (aka RTE Act), has created a major stir in […]
Seventy-three first year B.Tech students of IIT-Roorkee scoring a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of less than five in the second semester, were served expulsion notices on July 10. The rule mandating expulsion of students with below-five CGPA scores in two consecutive semesters was framed last year by the IIT-Roorkee Senate (which comprises […]
To promote international peace and harmony in an increasingly globalised world, the Ryan International Group of Institutions (RIGI), a countrywide network of K-12 schools, sent three student delegations abroad this summer. RIGI students spent a fortnight at the Seven Oaks School, Thames Valley, UK. The purpose of this visit was to prepare RIGI students for […]
A third-year computer engineering student of Manav Rachna College of Engineering, Faridabad, Roopam Sharma (20) has designed a real-time tracking system for patients suffering from dementia. On May 27, Emancipator was adjudged a ‘Top 10 Global Innovation’ at the online Microsoft Youth Spark Challenge for Change 2015. The award includes prize money of $2,500 […]
A new 21st century career option, biometrics — the science and technology for identity authentication purposes — is arousing rising interest –Indra Gidwani
“SECURITY BREACHES AND transaction frauds — particularly in the fast-expanding cyber world — are multiplying in geometric progression, and driving up demand for sophisticated, hacker-proof identification and personal verification technologies. The solution is […]
I’m a class XII student keen on a career in biomedical engineering. What are my job prospects?
Shekhar Iyer, Chennai
Biomedical engineering involves application of engineering principles and techniques to medicine and biology. Biomedical engineers design life support apparatus and devices used in medical procedures such as laser and corrective eye surgeries, and develop imaging systems […]
Although rather belated, there’s increasing awareness within society and even within the Central and state governments of the vital importance of early childhood care and education (ECCE) to give children a good start in life and enable them to grow into healthy and mentally alert citizens, capable of contributing to the common good. In the […]
In recent years, several top-ranked universities around the world have undertaken institutional collaborations and set up branch campuses. The Middle East and East Asia have been among the most popular destinations for branch campuses designed to create regional bases, drive cross-border flow of students and boost parent institutions’ global reputations.
Nearly three-quarters of academics in the Republic of Ireland say working conditions have deteriorated in the wake of mass job cuts and rising student numbers, says a recent study. Higher education funding shrank by 29 percent between 2007 and 2014, but student numbers have risen by 16 percent over the same period, according to Creating […]
Inside the red-lacquered door of No. 39 Wenhua Lane in central Beijing is an old-style single-storey home built around a small courtyard. Its owner, an elderly man in a vest, sits on an upturned bucket near a jumble of cooking pots; a pile of old cardboard rests atop a nearby shed. Next to the man, […]
More than half of undergraduates believe international students work harder than British students, a new study suggests. About 54 percent of just over 1,000 students polled on behalf of the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and the Higher Education Academy (HEA) believe that overseas students put more effort into their studies than those from the […]
China has overtaken Japan as Asia’s # 1 nation for producing top universities. While Japan’s University of Tokyo is the highest-placed institution in the Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2015, the country has lost ground overall, with the balance of power now tilting towards mainland China. Japan has 19 universities in the prestigious Top […]
Universities in sub-Saharan Africa must adapt to serve the growing number of students who no longer see their future in conventional salaried employment, says a report on graduate careers in the region. Research commissioned by the British Council indicates that the region’s institutions are still providing rote learning even as graduates’ focus shifts to entrepreneurship […]
Not everyone rolled out the welcome mat for Peter Mathieson, former dean of the faculty of medicine and dentistry at the University of Bristol, when he was nominated vice chancellor of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) two years ago. Chan Yuen-ying, director of HKU’s Journalism and Media Studies Centre, blogged that “if a medical […]
Some years ago, a friend shared his first-time experience of coaching a girls’ softball team. In one of their first practices, he was trying to instruct the girls on how to throw overhand instead of pushing the ball under-arm. Try as he might, he couldn’t get the girls to throw the ball the way he […]
Quiet — The Power Of Introverts in a world that can’t stop talking by Dr. Susan Cain penguin books; Price: Rs.309: Pages: 333
One way of categorising people according to personality types is to gauge where they fall on the introversion-extroversion spectrum. Introverts are more often drawn to the inner world of thought and sentiment, while […]
Post-independence India’s democratic experiment — its only major achievement of the past 68 years — is slowly unravelling.
Because of the reckless indiscipline and private agendas of the country’s politicians of all ideological hues, the parliamentary democracy system is dissolving before our very eyes. Both houses of Parliament are not being “allowed to function” by opposition […]
Where would you place education on your national list of priorities?
First. Education is the prerequisite of national development worldwide. Likewise, in India it’s the passport to our future.
How best to upgrade government schools?
Every private school should adopt a neighbouring government school and share human, material […]
Urvi Pansari is a Grade 12 student of Ecole Globale International Girls’ School, Dehradun. She also serves as the Head Girl. Having chosen the Commerce .....Read More
Mita Mukherjee Heads of state-aided colleges in Bengal have urged the state higher education department to start the process of admission of students to undergraduate .....Read More
Igniting cognitive capital in elementary education
– Professor J.S. Rajput is a well-known educationist and former director of NCERT and NCTE
For the country’s estimated 15 million class X and 7.7 million higher secondary school-leavers, admission cut-offs into India’s 35,000 undergrad colleges — and especially into the few dozen top-ranked institutions of higher education — range between 95-100 percent, a dismaying reality.
The […]