Frank Furedi is Emeritus Professor of sociology, University of Kent, UK
Intensive parenting has become the latest target of parent shaming. Having been instructed to constantly supervise their children, parents are now being lectured about the dangers of doing just that.
Those who “over-parent” their offspring are being denounced for producing spoiled children, […]
(Marissa Nivison is postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary and Sheri Madigan is Professor, Canada Research Chair in Determinants of Child Development, Owerko Centre at the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute, University of Calgary)
Helping your older child or children navigate having a new sibling […]
Marissa Nivison is postdoctoral research fellow, department of psychology, University of Calgary & Sheri Madigan is professor, Canada Research Chair in Determinants of Child Development, Owerko Centre at the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute, University of Calgary.
In childhood, parents play important roles to set the stage for […]
Why parental sensitivity matters for fathers and mothers
Have you ever heard of children’s attachment or attachment theory? If you are a parent, caregiver or an educator, chances are that it rings a bell. Children’s attachment refers to a strong emotional bond that children develop toward […]
Advice for parents on when, how, what to say and why it’s so important
The “birds and the bees”. The “facts of life”. Whatever you call it, most parents dread discussing sex and sexuality with their teens. They tend to be embarrassed, worried that they don’t understand some concepts. In some countries, […]
While much attention is drawn to the detrimental impact of violent video games on children’s developing brains, there has been relatively little discussion regarding the negative effects of news and current affairs to which children are exposed.
When people consume news and current affairs, it’s hard to escape tragic events, from natural disasters, […]
Dr. Jagdish Gandhi, founder-manager of the City Montessori School (CMS), Lucknow, who passed away in January 2024 at age 89 is mourned by thousands of school leaders, teachers and students countrywide whose lives he touched. The major legacy he has left behind is 65 years of relentless effort to promote global citizenship […]
Protecting children from failure isn’t helpful. Better to build their resilience
In recent years there has been a concerted effort to protect children from failure to safeguard their fragile self-esteem. This seems logical — failure is unpleasant. It tends to make them look bad, and have negative feelings of disappointment and frustration. And […]
Research has found that ADHD symptoms in parents are associated with harsher parenting behaviour and more lax parenting practices. However, parents’ ADHD symptoms do not appear to impact their ability to be warm, caring, and loving.
Sheri Madigan
André Plamondon
Joanne Park
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often goes undiagnosed in adults — […]
It is almost a year since ChatGPT burst onto the scene, fuelling great excitement as well as concern about what it might mean for education.
The changes keep coming. Earlier in the year, MyAI was embedded into social media platform Snapchat. This is a chatbot powered by ChatGPT, which encourages […]
Experts share suggestions on how to organise messy children’s rooms into clutter-free spaces writes, Nasrin Modak Siddiqi
Kopal Dhir
A common complaint of most parents is that organising children’s rooms including their books, toys and clothes — at any age — is daunting, laborious and exhausting. The satisfaction of keeping a room tidy and clean […]
Parents may be familiar with this scenario: a child is well behaved at school and polite to their teachers but has a meltdown at home in the afternoon.
Or they say please and thank you at a friend’s house but are rude within the family. They follow the rules if they visit a neighbour but […]
Imagine a sudden rustle in tall grass. A ripple of alarm would pass through the group of early humans living together amid ancient, rugged terrain. In the center of the encampment, a three-year-old child — let’s call her Raina — stumbles and falls, her eyes wide with fear.
Without hesitation, her mother sweeps her up into […]
As the school term stretches on, many parents might be tempted to take their children out of school. Perhaps they want to beat the crowds at the snow or enjoy off-season prices at the coast. Maybe they just need a break.
As parents, we have certainly experienced this dilemma.
Do not let your idea of adolescent independence stop you from engaging with the young people in your life. They value staying connected with family, even if they do not always show it , writes Elise Woodman
Parenting teenagers can feel daunting. With high rates of youth mental health diagnoses and persistent messages about adolescents’ desire […]
Kids are better regulated emotionally, more resilient and more open-minded when their fathers are involved in their education and socialisation. Nurturing dads raise emotionally intelligent children — making society more respectful and equitable, writes Kevin Shafer
When my oldest son was born in July of 2008, I thought I could easily balance my career and my […]
…Say alienated parents who organised a two-week campaign to mark April 25, observed as ‘Parental Alienation Awareness Day’ worldwide, writes Aruna Raghuram
April 25 was observed as ‘Parental Alienation Awareness Day’ around the world. On this day, parents’ groups organise programmes to raise awareness about parental alienation — defined as when one parent’s relationship with his […]
With mental health professionals reporting a steady increase in the number of adults facing anger management issues, it’s unsurprising that a growing number of children are also struggling to keep this emotion in check, writes Aruna Raghuram
Described by Merriam Webster dictionary as “a strong feeling of displeasure and antagonism” and “a fit of violent wrath”, […]
Over-parenting teaches children to be entitled – let them fail and learn to be resilient instead, writes Ana Aznar
During the last couple of decades, new types of parents have emerged. From the anxiously involved helicopter parents to the pushy tiger mums, these differing styles all have one thing in common: they tend to involve over-parenting. […]
Children feel empowered to learn about money and financial independence when they understand basic concepts, writes Bomikai Zeka and Abdul Lateef Alhassan
When it comes to teaching young children about the world, parents may feel that some topics — like politics and religion — are too tough to broach. Money is another. Parents may not feel […]
Over 40 percent of UK parents put photos or videos of their children online. It’s an indicator of how prevalent online sharing is, that last June a new word “sharenting”, meaning when a parent shares news, images and videos of their children on social media, entered the Oxford English Dictionary.
It’s equally important to examine financial challenges confronting India’s private schools because 48 percent of the country’s children — and all middle-class children — are enroled in them
THE 82-WEEK LOCKDOWN OF SCHOOLS countrywide during the Covid-19 pandemic accentuated the fragility and brittleness of India’s K-12 education system. Questions have arisen not just about how education […]
Teenagers are often accused of being addicted to their mobile devices, but new research shows they’re often just modelling their parents’ behaviour.
Of course, we all use digital devices for work, for fun, and for socialising – but too much screen time can be harmful. There is such a thing as “digital addiction” and it’s characterised […]
It is school holidays in Australia and, in many parts of the country, it’s also raining and bitterly cold. This means many children are stuck indoors and parents will be grappling with how much “screen time” their kids are having.
As as early childhood researcher and parent to a fouryear-old, this is a question I […]
In the past decade, the concept of “gentle” or “respectful” parenting has gained considerable traction. The foundation of the idea is in being parents who are emotionally attuned to their children, and try to understand the reasons behind their behaviour.
There is great value in this, but it isn’t the whole story. Children also […]
The question of whether it is ever acceptable to smack a child — hitting her with the flat inside of the hand with the aim of achieving compliance — is still highly controversial. In England, this controversy was recently reignited by the education secretary, Nadhim Zahawi, who has said that “the discipline of children should […]
We have all met the parent who thinks their kid is the next Picasso or Einstein regardless of the evidence. But it’s hard to ascertain if these beliefs are helpful or harmful.
Overly optimistic parents could reduce their children’s drive to work harder and give them a false idea of the opportunities available to them. Or […]
Even armed with a Ph D in developmental psychology, I remember the frightening first moments after bringing my newborn daughter home from the hospital. I wasn’t sure what to do — and not at all confident that I was capable of being the parent she needed me to be. Every little decision about feeding and […]
Parents are dealing with huge demands on their time and energy. Children may not be attending school or involved in regular activities. As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc on families, routines have collapsed, patience is wearing thin and self-care is a distant memory.
Decades of research have taught us that adversity during childhood has damaging […]
Between the global Covid-19 pandemic, the associated economic downturn and widespread protests over racism, it’s difficult for everyone. Many people are struggling, consumed with anxiety and stress, finding ourselves unable to sleep or focus.
As a developmental psychologist and researcher on anxiety and fear in infants and young children, I have been particularly concerned about the […]
The Age newspaper recently highlighted the issue of “helicopter parenting” at universities. The report talked of parents contacting lecturers to ask about their adult children’s grades, sitting in on meetings with course coordinators and repeatedly phoning academics to inquire about students’ progress.
Over-parenting involves parents using developmentally inappropriate tactics that far exceed the actual needs […]
Parents need to know what to do in situations where their child is bullying others or being bullied, says Sheryl Hemphill in this special essay
Parents are one of the most influential factors when talking about bullying — in that they are the most likely to be able to prevent it. The way parents model appropriate […]
In this special essay, Rebecca English, lecturer at the Queensland Institute of Technology (Australia), highlights the pros and cons of various parenting styles — tiger, helicopter, snowplough and free range
What’s the best way to raise your child? It’s a question that has provoked the publication of numerous books, and seen authors race to coin the […]
As one of seven national strategies for building a prosperous China, the Central government has been strongly supporting general education. For several decades, annual expenditure on education averaged a modest 2.5 percent of GDP. But in the new millennium it has steadily increased and in 2018-19, has risen to 4.4 percent of GDP which itself […]
- Baishali Mukherjee On January 25, the Kolkata division of the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) -- an autonomous scientific society under the .....Read More
- Baishali Mukherjee The eighth Bengal Global Business Summit (BGBS) 2025, held on February 5-6, saw the presence of top industrialists such as Mukesh Ambani, .....Read More