“As parents, we often advise our daughter — Abhijita (class III) — to make smart choices and adopt healthy lifestyles without having much to show for ourselves. But after the Covid-19 outbreak […]
Hypophora is a figure of speech in which a speaker/writer raises a question and immediately provides an answer – Roopa Banerjee
Ask yourself a question and answer it yourself. Does that sound weird? It shouldn’t, as it is a popular literary device used by writers and speakers. Hypophora is a figure of speech in which a […]
The distinguishing characteristic of this sun, sea and sand state is that it’s a middle class society unscarred by visible poverty and want
When the first cool winds heralding winter start blowing across the sweaty brow of the subcontinent, the thoughts of most cerebral individuals and party animals who take their rest and recreation seriously — […]
Steam the bananas in a large saucepan. Be careful they don’t become too soft.
Drain and roll the bananas in melted butter and subsequently roll each banana separately in the chopped groundnuts/peanuts.
Arrange them in a baking dish and bake for 15 minutes at 190°C.
Serve with ice […]
Ingredients for Kenyan vermicelli bread (12 servings)
1 kg vermicelli
4 cups unsweetened coconut milk
½ cup sugar
¼ teaspoon ground ginger
1 egg
½ cup whole wheat or all-purpose flour
Preparation guide for Kenyan vermicelli bread
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Coat a baking dish with butter.
Boil the vermicelli until cooked, then drain.
Boil the coconut milk and sugar in a large saucepan, […]
Sukuma Wiki is Swahili for ‘push the week’ and refers to a meal on a budget. It is usually made from leftovers and can include meat.
1 kg spinach, chopped into large pieces
2 tbsp flour
Juice of one lemon
Oil for frying
One chopped onion
Two-three chopped tomatoes
One chilly
Leftover cooked chicken
Salt, chilly powder and pepper to taste
While Chinese and Italian food is popular in India, African soul food is less known. Here are some delectable easy-to-rustle-up recipes from the African continent – Parvathy Menon
(4 servings)
Githeri is a corn and beans stew, a staple of the Kikuyu tribe of Kenya.
1 cup dried whole kernel corn
1 cup dried kidney beans; soaked in cold […]
Monojit Ghosh is a former gymnast and fitness trainer and gymnastics coach at Art Corner Gymnastics, Bangalore
Planks are integral to exercise routines. They strengthen muscles and improve body balance. Here are some benefits of including planks in workout routines:
Provides relief from back pain
Increases core and back muscle strength
Builds deep inner core muscles
Improves body posture and […]
When you set out to do something to make a difference — for example, to eradicate hunger — working solo or with a few friends is not enough. Sometimes it’s necessary to write letters to alert government officials, newspaper editors, local business leaders and producers of television news programmes.
Once met a gadabout on my travels who kept me entertained with tall stories of where he had gone and who he had met. But the oddest experience he said he had was when he lost his bearings and found himself in front of a cottage in the midst of a […]
Do you want your life to make a difference to society?
There are many ways in which we can make an impact on the lives of others. We can protect the environment, create awareness of social needs and reach out to help those in need.
The satisfaction of making a difference is inestimable. PW Kidzone gives […]
The GP or general physician who made home visits at unearthly hours no longer makes house calls. But with the population and its ailments having multiplied, the demand for the GP’s services is still strong
The healer’s vocation is one of the oldest professions in recorded history with the medicine man, Shaman and Ayurveda practitioner always […]
– Sue Atkins is a UK-based internationally recognised parenting expert, broadcaster, speaker and author of Parenting Made Easy — How to Raise Happy Children (2012)
Of late my four-year-old daughter is making a fuss about eating her vegetables. She throws tantrums including throwing away her plate. I can’t understand what has caused this change in […]
– Mahima Setia is a Bengaluru-based nutritionist, diabetes educator and lifestyle coach
My elder daughter (13) has put on weight during the pandemic lockdown of schools. One or another of our family members brings junk food into the house and she gobbles it up. Later, she feels guilty and tries to skip meals now and then. […]
– Wesley Kufel is clinical assistant professor (pharmacy practice) at Binghamton University, State University of New York
Vaccines help the immune system recognize viruses, typically by injecting weakened virus or the virus’s proteins. Pfizer and Moderna developed a new type of vaccine that instead uses mRNA, the molecular instructions for building virus
With online learning not recommended for preschool children, many parents are worried their toddlers have missed important physical, mental, emotional and cognitive development milestones – Archana N. & Mini P.
Almost a year after all education institutions including pre-primaries were ordered to shut down by the Central government to check the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, […]
In a year dominated by the pandemic, Kamala Harris created history by becoming the first woman, first Black Indian-American vice president of the United States. Here are four children’s books which recount her amazing journey from Oakland, California to Washington DC – Mini P.
Superheroes are Everywhere by Kamala Harris Illustrated by Mechal Renee Roe Publisher: […]
PW editors interviewed a cross-section of health, nutrition and lifestyle gurus who advise a ‘holistic approach’ to build robust immune systems especially of children and adolescents – Archana N, Mini P. & Cynthia John
Even as the US, UK and Europe are fighting a deadly second/third wave of the Coronavirus, aka Covid-19 pandemic, fortuitously in India […]
The use of antibiotics in the first 14 days after birth is linked to reduced height and weight in boys in early childhood, says a study published in Nature Communications (January). A research team comprising scientists from Finland and Israel analysed the impact of neonatal antibiotic use in infants and found that male infants exposed […]
Post-natal depression is more common in men who are insecure about their relationship with their partner, says a recent study conducted by Lund University, Sweden. The researchers found that “affected men often have a negative view of themselves and are worried about being inadequate in their intimate relationships”.
“Low self-confidence in close relationships seems to trigger […]
Adolescents with happy childhood memories are at a lower risk of alcohol abuse, binge drinking and marijuana consumption, says a study published in Addiction Research and Theory (January). For the study, researchers of Purdue University, USA, surveyed 1,961 high school students who rated how nostalgic they were about their childhood, current happiness quotient and the […]
Good quality sleep, exercise, and a diet of raw fruits and vegetables — in that order — lead to better mental health and well-being in young adults, says a recent study conducted by the University of Otago, New Zealand. The study, published in Frontiers in Psychology (December) interviewed 1,100 young adults from New Zealand […]
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the cover story ‘FRESH (Fitness, Return to minimalist living, Education, Slowing Down and Home Life) 2021’ (PW January). Life as we know it, halted last year. Schools, colleges, universities, businesses, hotels, restaurants, all shut down to check the spread of the deadly Covid-19 pandemic. Millions of people lost jobs, livelihoods and […]
Almost a year after the first Covid-19 case was reported in Kerala last February, the pandemic is on the wane in India. The caseload has fallen from a high of 97,860 infections and 1,173 fatalities per day (September 30) to 9,100 and 96 (February 10); industry and businesses have reopened; domestic air and rail travel […]
Great responsibility Your cover story ‘Artificial Intelligence: Leapfrog opportunity for Indian education’ (EW January) was timely and welcome. World over, schools have started leveraging the .....Read More